25% off Art Prints*

stocktake sale

Featured: Jenna Smith


If you are a painter, photographer, printmaker, illustrator or maker and think your artwork is something we would be interested in adding to our collection we would love to hear from you.

Please send the following submission details for consideration to elliot@endemicworld.com

• Link to your Website, Instagram & FaceBook Page

• A brief history of your creative career so far

• List of where your art is sold currently

• Your contact details

• If you can provide a catalogue of available works for sale, including prints that would be helpful

Please take into consideration we receive hundreds of submissions a year. We personally reply to every submission, so don't panic if you don't hear from us right away. :-)


At endemicworld we love curating original artworks and then finding new homes for them. We have a unique model that makes the process of selling original artworks through endemicworld accessible and easy for artists.

You can find our full terms for how we sell original artworks in the link below, and if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Artist Services is brought to you by endemicworld. Designed to enable artists to quickly & easily access a range of helpful products & services. From fine art printing and framing, to packaging supplies to artist mentoring and workshops.

We use over a decade of experience exhibiting and selling art at endemicworld to help artists reach creative and commercial success. We pride ourselves on our professional yet fun and accessible approach.

Visit Artist Services to order art prints today!
