'Calm of Hauraki Gulf' by Alice Berry is one of 80 whales tails currently on public display throughout Auckland region. Artists were asked to decorate and paint the tails to help raise awareness on the issues in the Hauraki Gulf and inform people about what needs to be done to protect our oceans. Alice Berry also has a limited edition art print 'Laolao/Calm of the Sea' of the same style as this whales tail.

In ‘Calm of Hauraki Gulf’, each layer's shapes are abstracted from species and happenings found in the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana, that contribute to the survival of the Bryde's whale and the ocean as a whole. Biodiversity is so important to a sustainable ocean and we must protect our oceans and waterways.
Layer 1. Sand and seafloor
Layer 2. Sea sponges
Layer 3. Kelp and seaweeds
Layer 4. Seashells and shellfish
Layer 5. Plankton
You can visit 'Calm of Hauraki Gulf' in Three Lamps at the corner of Jervois Road and Ponsonby Road until the 18th of April. At the end of the public exhibition, the tails will be auctioned and the funds raised will go to WWF NZ. You can go to WWF website to find out more. https://whaletales2022.org/